Australian Goat Meat & Cuts

Although Australia is a relatively small producer of goat, it is one of the world’s largest exporters of goat meat. Goat is one of the most widely eaten meats in the world. Its legacy as an integral part of the diet across many different countries and cultures, stretching back thousands of years. In Australia goat production can generally be grouped into two key categories, rangeland and farmed. Rangeland essentially relates to unmanaged or wild animals usually harvested annually, whilst farmed means the animals are specifically managed in a similar way to Australian sheep and cattle.

Farmed goats are generally produced in higher rainfall, more productive agricultural areas of Australia. Due in part to the environment and smaller herd sizes, they are subject to more intensive husbandry practices than goats produced in the rangelands and are managed similarly to domestic sheep or cattle.

The primal cuts of Goat are the basic cuts separated from the carcase during butchering. We have created an easy to use cuts chart for you to have on hand. Let’s look at the Goat chart - click here.

We are proud to supply our customers with Tasmanian farmed Boer Goats and look forward to sharing some of our favourite recipes with you.





Smallgoods Manfacturing